Review: “Efrén Divided” by Ernesto Cisneros — The Best MG Book Ever!
Just when I thought I was too old for all the middle-grade and YA books, I discovered Ernesto Cisneros’s Efrén Divided, the most perfect middle-grade novel ever written.
Review: “The Travelling Cat Chronicles” by Hiro Arikawa — Saying Goodbye To A Friend
Reading this novel, I learned how important it is to say goodbyes and to make memories. It will give you peace and an understanding. After all, memories will be the only thing left for us to cherish by a person, a pet, and a friend.
Review: “The Vegetarian” by Han Kang — Korean Horror Fiction
In terms of films or television shows, I’ve always been a fan of Korean mystery horror. This is the first time I have read a Korean horror novel.